This blog attempts to share my knowledge about how to use Twitter (now I migrated to mastodon and tried to be active on both accounts) to develop a personal network.

Twitter is an excellent platform to develop your academic profile, meet professionals in your field, and create connections with them. Most scholars in the field of educational technology utilize Twitter (and now it is changing to mastodon) to post their thoughts and publications online.

Here are a few thoughts what I have on these kinds of social media.

Who should I follow?
Follow the official Twitter accounts of the institutions.
My habit is following more official accounts for important information rather than personal ones. These details might relate to occasions, employment openings, financial aid possibilities, etc.

Be a "stalker" and explore connections in your area of study.
Who a person is playing with online counts more than anything else. You can locate more materials by looking through their following list.

Be cautious when someone you don't know started to follow you...
I did see a stripper advertisement who followed me, and I blocked the account.

What shall I post?
I'm still looking around in this area...

Something just happened dramatically on Twitter. The man f** the entire company, and a lot of scholars is migrating from Twitter to a new decentralized social media platform, mastodon. I am still exploring the community and welcome to play with me