During my community assignment, I observed that several subreddits had been turned private. After conducting some research online, I discovered that this was due to Reddit's announcement regarding their plans to charge an API fee in the future.

Reddit, which is set to go public later this year, is placing a significant emphasis on generating revenue. While the CEO of Reddit, Steve Huffman, stated that the revenue hasn't been significantly impacted [1], senior business reporter Hope King suggests that company loyalty, when compromised, can adversely affect a company's value, much like the case of Target [2].

When we delve into the realm of Web 2.0 and its impact on learning, there is a prevailing sense that the virtual world fosters a more interconnected society compared to the physical world. However, it's important to acknowledge that power structures exist in both realms, and we cannot afford to disregard their influence.

In the virtual world, power structures can manifest through various mechanisms. One notable example is the moderation and administration of online communities. Within platforms like Reddit, moderators hold significant authority and control over the content and direction of a subreddit. They have the power to enforce rules, remove posts or users, and shape the overall tone and atmosphere of the community. This power dynamic can influence the discussions, information flow, and ultimately the experiences of users within that virtual space.

Furthermore, algorithms employed by social media platforms play a crucial role in determining what content users see. These algorithms are designed to prioritize certain posts or users based on factors like popularity, engagement, or perceived relevance. This can result in the amplification of certain voices and perspectives while marginalizing others, effectively shaping the narrative and influencing public opinion. The power to control the visibility and reach of content lies in the hands of these algorithms and the companies that develop and deploy them.

However, as we can observe, the power system does not solely originate from the virtual world itself. Real-world power dynamics also exert an impact. The decision made by the board committee to charge an API fee serves as an example of this influence.

[1] Sato, M., & Peters, J. (2023, June 13). Reddit CEO tells employees that Subreddit Blackout “will pass.” The Verge. https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/13/23759559/reddit-internal-memo-api-pricing-changes-steve-huffman
[2] King, H. (2023, June 23). Reddit API fee protests push into Third Week. Axios. https://www.axios.com/2023/06/23/reddit-protests-api