Seminal works, sometimes called pivotal or landmark studies, are the initial pieces that presented an important or influential idea within a particular discipline. Seminal articles are referred to time and time again in the research, so you are likely to see these sources frequently cited in other journal articles, books, dissertations, etc.

Where to find seminal literature?

SAGE Navigator: a social sciences literature review tool, designed to help graduate and doctoral students at the start of the literature review process. This database provides an extensive overview of nearly 300 social science topics (including business, education, and psychology) written by SAGE editors and renowned academics.

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: Global dissertations. Use for foundational research, to locate test instruments and data, and more. Search by advisor (chair), degree, degree level, or department. Includes a read-aloud feature Includes a read-aloud feature.
Perhaps one of the best ways to find seminal research for your dissertation is to review other students’ dissertations on the same or related topic. Read through the literature review sections see what authors/articles were considered important enough to include.

Credo Reference: A reference database useful for accessing scholarly definitions, background and contextual information. Links you to various reference materials and includes a mind map feature that provides a visual of concepts related to your term. Subjects covered include art, biography, business, economics, education, history, literature, music, psychology, religion, and science and technology.

Seminal authors (BIG NAMES) in research design and methodology
Mixed Methods Research: Creswell

Action Research: Kurt Lewin

Case Study: Yin or Stake or Merriam

Grounded Theory: Charmaz, Glaser, and Strauss, or Corbin and Strauss

Narrative Inquiry: Connelly and Clandinin

Phenomenology: van Manen or Moustakas
